論 文(原著) 1999年〜1996年
番号 | 著 者 名 (共著者も記入) |
論 文 題 名 | 発表誌名 | 巻 | 初頁〜終頁 | 発行年 |
14 | Tsukamoto H, Wells DJ, Brown SC, Serpente P, Strong PN, Drew J, Inui K, Okada S, Dickson G | Enhanced expression of recombinant dystrophin following intramuscular injection of Epstein-Barr virus(EBV)-based mini-chromosome vectors in mdx mice. | Gene Ther | 6 | 1331-1335 | 1999 |
15 | Yamamoto T, Nanba E, Ninomiya H, Higaki K, Taniguchi M, Zhang H, Inui K, Okada S, Tanaka A, Sakuragawa N, Millat G, Vanier MT, Morris JA, Pentchev PG, Ohno K | NPC1 gene mutations in Japanese patients with Niemann-Pick disease type C. | Hum Genet | 105 | 10-16 | 1999 |
16 | Akagi M, Inui K, Nishigaki T, Muramatsu T, Kokubu C, Fukushima H, Tsukamoto H, Kurahashi H, Okada S | Mutation analysis of a Japanese patient with fucosidosis. | J Hum Genet | 44 | 323-326 | 1999 |
17 | 中島 滋郎、志水 信彦、平井治彦、島 雅昭、赤木 幹弘、乾 幸治、岡田 伸太郎 | Fanconi-Bickel症候群(糖原病XI型)における腎病変の検討 | 日本小児腎臓病学会誌 | 12 | 131-134 | 1999 |
18 | 松本 小百合、志水 信彦、植田 仁、荒井 洋、神崎 徹、吉峰 俊樹、乾 幸治、中山 雅弘、村田 雄二 | 胎内で心不全を呈し、出生後遷延性肺高血圧を呈したガレン静脈瘤の1例 | 日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 | 11 | 71-77 | 1999 |
19 | Mohri I, Taniike M, Fujimura H, Matsuoka T, Inui K, Nagai T, Okada S | Acase of Kearns-Sayre syndrome showing a constant proportion of deleted mitochondrial DNA in blood cells during 6 years of follow-up. | J Neurol Sci | 158 | 106-110 | 1998 |
20 | Hirono H, Shoji Y, Takahashi T, Sato W, Takeda E, Nishijo T, Kuroda Y, Nishigaki T, Inui K, Takada G | Mutational analyses in four Japanese families
with X-linked liver phosphory -lase kinase deficiency type 1. |
J Inher Metab Dis | 21 | 846-852 | 1998 |
21 | Sakai N, Fukushima H, Inui K, Fu L, Nishigaki T, Yanagihara I, Tatsumi N, Ozono K, Okada S | Human galactocerebrosidase gene: promoter analysis of the 5, -flanking region and structural organization. | Biochem Biophys Acta | 1395 | 62-67 | 1998 |
22 | Okinaga A, Matsuoka T, Umeda J, Yanagihara I, Inui K, Nagai T, Okada S | Early-onset facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy: two case reports. | Brain Dev | 19 | 563-567 | 1997 |
23 | Manoj Nanji, Van T Nguyen, Kawasoe J, Inui K ,Endo F, Nakajima T, Anezaki T, Cox D | Haplotype and mutation analysis in Japanese patients with Wilson disease. | Am J Hum Genet | 60 | 1423-1429 | 1997 |
24 | Tanaka J, Nagai T, Arai H, Inui K, Yamanouchi H, Goto Y, Nonaka I, Okada S | Treatment of mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with a combination of cytochromee C and vitamines B1 and B2. | Brain Dev | 19 | 262-267 | 1997 |
25 | Takiyama N, Itoh K, Shimmmoto M, Nishimoto J, Inui K, Sakuraba H, Suzuki Y | Molecular form and subcellular distribution of acid β-galactosidase in fibroblasts from patients with GM1 gangliosidosis. | Brain Dev | 19 | 126-130 | 1997 |
26 | Tsukamoto H, Inui K, Fukushima H, Okada S | Allele frequencies of intragenic, and 5' and 3' markers of the dystrophin gene in Japanese families of Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy. | Jpn J Human Genet | 41 | 391-397 | 1996 |
27 | Kaido M, Fujimura H, Soga F,Toyooka K, Yoshikawa H, Nishimura T, Higashi T, Inui K, Imanishi H, Yorifuji S, Yanagihara T | Alzheimer-type pathology in a patient with mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes (MELAS). | Acta Neuropathol | 92 | 312-318 | 1996 |
28 | Yanagihara I, Inui K, Dickson G, Turner G, Piper T, Kanada Y, Okada S | Expression of full-length human dystrophin cDNA in mdx mouse muscle by HVJ-liposome injection. | Gene Ther | 3 | 549-553 | 1996 |
29 | Sakai N, Inui K, Tatsumi N, Fukushima H, Nishigaki T, Taniike M, Nishimoto J, Tsukamoto H, Yanagihara I, Ozono K, Okada S | Molecular cloning and expression of cDNA for murine galactocerebrosidase and mutation analysis of the twitcher mouse, a model of Krabbe's diseaser. | J Neurochem | 66 | 1118-1124 | 1996 |
30 | 垂井 清一郎、岡田伸太郎、乾 幸治、一色 玄、新宅 治夫、貴田 嘉一、戒能 幸一、和田義郎、杉山 幸八郎、大和田 操 | 肝型糖原病検査における遺伝子組換えグルカゴン(GL-G) の臨床評価 | 基礎と臨床 | 30 | 749-761 | 1996 |
31 | Tatsumi N, Inui K, Sakai N, Fukushima H, Nishimoto J, Yanagihara I, Nishigaki T, Tsukamoto H, Fu L, Taniike M, Okada S | Molecular defects in Krabbe disease | Hum Mol Genet | 4 | 1865-1868 | 1995 |